Thursday, April 23, 2009

Constant Manic Monday

Oh. Hi, blog.

I'd like to say the reason for my lack of dedication to my writing is a result of my busy schedule (read: my tendency to overbook and over commit). While this is partly true, it's certainly not a valid enough reason.

Not for me.

Not for someone who claims organizational skill and time management as natural as breathing.

Maximizing my time has become a bit... obsessive. More so than usual, which (if you know me) is scary. I'm multi-tasking to the extreme, making lists of my lists of things to do, resorting to informal mass emails to friends and family rather than phone calls to save time, checking friends' facebook status updates and considering myself fully informed of their personal lives. When an edict at work was announced that we must take our full hour lunch breaks (a 30 minute paid and a 30 minute unpaid break), my first thought was that's an extra 2.5 hours per week I'm going to lose and my mind launched into overdrive of how to make up that time.

I'm jumping over hurdles each day but never winning the race. Or so it feels.

But I go through spurts of this. It's an ebb and flow of manic planning and a packed calendar. Eventually, the banshee screaming in my ear to "plan Plan PLAN!" takes a vacation, balance resumes, and all is right with the world.

Such is the life of of someone with an OCD. Sometimes it's tough to keep my thoughts and emotions in check, but I think I've been doing a fairly decent job at maintaining normalcy the past 16 years.

I've had plenty to write about the past month or so with the various changes in my coroporate surroundings, or the wedding plans, or my volleyball teams, or a few minor squabblings with loved ones. But, with the way I've been feeling, it would been spewn across the screen as a neurotic jumbled stream of consciousness that may not have been literate English and it would have been littered with run-on sentences and careless typos merely because I have too much that I need to get out but I'm not capable of typing fast enough because I don't even type correctly to begin with.

And this, my dear readers, is why I haven't written lately.

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