Thursday, December 31, 2009

5 Ways To Make Your New Year Suck Less Than Last Year

2009 was one heck of a ride, wasn't it? We each have our own memoir of the past year, but the general consensus (read: Facebook status updates) indicates that 2009's evil reign will be eagerly toasted away.

My year was a mixed bag of dull razor blades, cat feces, and a few solid gold coins. But as the perpetual optimist, I wouldn't change a thing. In fact, the crap in my personal 2009 bag might help you in 2010. And isn't that what makes this digital age of constant connection so fantastic? Perhaps someone will google "Ways To Make Your New Year Suck Less Than Last Year," and they'll find this:

5 Ways To Make Your New Year Suck Less Than Last Year
  1. Feel everything. Repressing your emotions or denying your true feelings leads to unresolved conflict - inner and outer. Plus, you're not Freud.
  2. Offer forgiveness. Your parents were right when they told you to "play nice" and always apologize. So let go of your anger. Holding grudges isn't fashionable... and your pride's not that attractive, either.
  3. Stand your ground. My friend, Shakepeare, said it best: "To thine own self be true." You were most likely raised to follow decent morals, and you probably developed certain beliefs in support of those morals. Don't compromise them - no prize, promotion, or palace is worth it.
  4. Don't settle. And that goes for every aspect of your life. If you're not passionate about your job or career, make a change. If you know your significant other isn't ultimately a good life partner, accept it and walk away.
  5. Respect yourself. This is the mack-daddy lesson most people forget, and it encompasses the prior four tips. You have to be around yourself 24/7, and it's easier to do that when you like yourself.
In 2010, gulp the inevitable bad with the good and chase it with a healthy dose of optimism. The mixture will swirl around for awhile, bumping your bones, but it'll eventually settle. That is, until the next evil entree. It's a wonderful ebb and flow, my friends.


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