Saturday, June 14, 2008

Wonderfully Mindblowing Sensation

I need to share an exerpt from Robin's recent blog, in which she describes my evolving relationship with Jolyon:

My best friend is in love. Sweet, spinning, skipping, spooning, never-let-me-go, kind of love. I am so happy to see her...this happy. I remember what it's like to be cherished to my bones and cared for so strongly and I am tickled to know that she has found the reflection of her soul's beauty in another to this magnitude. It is quite special to have been involved in the process of watching two people find each other when the odds were stacked against them from the beginning. To realize that when two beings have the desire to be together, nothing will stand in their way is jolting and refreshing.

We are all made for this kind of loving. Sadly, I believe some people will never experience it or will only find it fleetingly in their lives. People are afraid to really open their hearts to another person. But when you do, you will find the most beautiful and fulfilling feelings you've ever known. I am thankful to have felt loved and to have been allowed to give my love so deeply to another and I look forward to future love as it awaits somewhere out there for me. In the meantime, I will keep watching an exquiste love story unfold in my own backyard. Cheers, my good friends.

I could write pages about being in the kind of love that Robin is witnessing and describing, because it's true-- it truly is an I-can-do-anything, wonderfully mindblowing sensation to find the person who enhances your life on every possible level. We went from strangers, to teammates, to aquaintances, to friends, to best friends, to intimate friends, to exclusivity... with a rollercoaster of emotions and road-blocking external factors weaving through each stage.

I hope everyone out there finds this kind of love.... because it will change your world. If you've got it, hold onto it. If you're looking for it, be patient. And if you've spotted it, pursue it. (Trust me, it will be worth the risk.)

1 comment:

Jen said...

I am so happy that you're so happy--that you have not only a wonderful man, but also such a wonderful friend in Robin.:D I hope we Mass peeps to get meet this man soon. :)