Saturday, November 14, 2009


I started a blog titled "A Carnival For Those Who Dream" at the beginning of 2008. I wanted to piggyback off an online journal I'd maintained for four years prior and it was time for a change (the developers of the site weren't working to meet the demands of technologically-curious millenials). Thus, I found blogger.

My blog's original intent was a space to showcase my writing and generate a network of followers and other writing professionals. Who doesn't like free marketing? However, the blog quickly morphed into a progression of soul-searching and self-discovery. I used the blog as an outlet for my inner thoughts, as opposed to a platform for posting my poems and short fiction. Much of that diary-esque content has since been deleted, though not without first exporting it onto the hard drive of my computer for future reflection.

What you're looking at now appears to be the same blog, but I've made a few tweaks, including a new blogger address. And I'm still not sure the direction this altered blog will take, but perhaps with a dedication to posting regularly it'll become more apparent.

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