Friday, November 20, 2009

Words of Weakness

I used to have a love affair with words... but lately, they won't return my phone calls. I thought our commitment to regular postings was mutual, but it appears I've been mislead yet again. I should have seen the signs.

"I'm Too Tired"
I get that one a lot; I'm warmed up and ready to go but the words might as well be half asleep. I fear logging into or (worse) for verbiage inspiration. It might constitute cheating (it's still under debate).

"There's Too Much Good TV Tonight"
This can be a real distraction. An innocent few minutes spent channel-surfing turns into a lost afternoon. Syntax takes a seat on the couch and diction sprawls languidly on the futon made for two. And here I sit, laptop burning my thighs, staring at a blinking cursor, waiting for release.

"I'm Just Not In The Mood"
This is the worst. Not because this excuse has a female patent, but because we always used to be simultaneously in the mood. This is what you're made for! Without you, we'd live on a frozen planet, void of imagery, dialogue, and themes. I can't afford a new laptop right now, so all you get from me is a freshened blog template and a washed up creative writer at your knees.

And just in case you're wondering - I'm not giving up. Our history is too intense and I have far too much invested to walk away. Remember the golden years in college? We were hand in hand, pen to paper, fingers to keys. Each publication strengthened our growing relationship (and the expensive college tutition for that English degree didn't hurt our goal).

I guess I'm just asking for a second chance. I know I've been distracted with the tech writing, and perhaps that's the true blame for our rocky creative relationship. My neglect has made it easier for the words to make excuses. Nevertheless, I'm still willing to work at this. We can get back on the hampster wheel. Baby, lets run.

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