Thursday, August 21, 2008

"The Soul Cannot Think Without a Picture" ~Aristotle

A plethora of pictures:

A relaxed group of sailors.

Nothing says love like a squeezing hug.

His first swim in the northern Atlantic.

Cake kisses.

Their first dance.

Almost too good to eat. Almost.

Boston Commons
Sailing the high seas.

Man overboard... in the freezing river.

My brother and I. Don't judge us.

Power rowing in the Canoe Races of the World at Magic Kingdom.

My work organization's Team Day at Pleasure Island.

Skim boarding at Cocoa Beach.

A very poised Socks.

The only place she felt safe after a nerf gun attack.

Happy 26th birthday, Shelly!

Chairlift in the summer. A beautiful sight.

At the summit of Wachusett Mountain in Princeton, MA.

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