The picture above is myself (left) and my sister, Robin (right). She's not my sister by blood, but my sister through a chance encounter in 2006 that culminated into my realization that we met by fate.
We met at the pool in our apartment complex. A rather annoying man was hitting on me in a not-so-subtle way. When he finally asked me a legitimate question ("Where have you worked at Disney?"), I started to list a few places. Robin, who was swimming nearby, overheard me say that I used to work at The Great Movie Ride. She swam over, sensing my discomfort, and interrupted Captain Obnoxious with a "Hey, did you say that you used to work at GMR?" The rest is history.
Robin has been more than a friend to me the past two years. She has been my counselor, my fashion advisor, my nutritionist, my family. I have leaned on her when I didn't have the strength to stand. I have confided in her my deepest secrets that I know others would use against me. Through our stories of our pasts, we have discovered that we lived paraellel lives. Some may call it a coincidence, I call it fate... especially since our current situations regarding out ex-relationships are strikingly similar. We are each others' support system, comforting the other when we take a step back, and embracing the happiness that awakens when we are together. She is the sister I never had but always wanted. I hope every woman, at some point in her life, gets the opportunity to have a friend of this magnitude.

Above is my friend, Jolyon. We met on the volleyball courts in February of 2007. I noticed him because he made a comment about my white tank top. It was raining. Enough said.
However, we didn't start hanging out until August, when Jolyon took on the responsibility of Captain of our fall softball team. I found out his birthday (thanks to the wonders of Facebook) and coerced a few teammates into throwing him a surprise birthday gathering at softball practice one evening. He was very touched by this, and despite the months of brutal teasing that commenced after that, we are closer than ever now.
Jolyon and I have a very unique friendship. He has seen me at my worst, and loves me anyway. He has taken care of me when I didn't have the energy to take care of myself. He calls me out if I am wrong. He argues with me and challenges me. He knows how to put me in my place. He doesn't hide or mask his true feelings around me, and when he does, he knows that I am already aware that he has done so.
As cliche as it is, I truly do not know what I would do without Robin and Jolyon in my life. They have both been such positive influences; they teach me more about myself than I ever wanted to know, and I am a better person because of it.
Robin and Jolyon, I love you both. God has blessed me with burdens so that I would meet you and enrich my life as a result. And for that, I thank you.
1 comment:
You have no idea how grand it is to have such a juicy friend as you! Mwah <3
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